Mongolian goat popularity


This data set tracks the popularity of five herd animals in Mongolia. We only care about the goats, of course.

Write a program to analyze the data. Start with this workbook. It start like this:


There is no bad data in the workbook, so you can skip validation! Hooray!

Each record gives the number of an animal in a year, in head (thousands), and percent. So in 1970, there were about 2,315,000 horses, or 10.25% of the total number of herd animals in the country.

Your program should fill in the cells. Note that B12 should be the number of goat records only. Here is what the output should look like:


You cannot change anything below line 25, or any of the labels. Just fill in the second column.

Use a Range object. Check the filter and min/max patterns.

Don't copy/paste the values for 1970 and 2017. Your program should grab the data, and put it into the appropriate cells.

Upload your solution to this site, not Moodle. The usual coding standards apply.