Wrestling announcements


Wrestling announcers introduce wrestlers by reading cards, with text like:

"In the red corner, it's ROSIE 'THE RIVETER' MATHIESON!"

The corner is in the first phrase. The second phrase has the wrestler's first name, wrestling name, and last name. They're in uppercase, so the announcer remembers to SHOUT. And there's a bang (!) at the end.

Write a workbook that starts like this:


The user types in data about a wrestler:

Data entered

Pressing the button shows the card for the announcer, in a dialog:


  • Spacing is as shown. Make sure there aren't extra spaces in the announcement, even if the user types them in the cells.
  • The corner name is lowercase.
  • The first, last, and wrestling names are uppercase.
  • The quotes and bang are there.

Use the IPO pattern. Add a comment for each part (e.g., an ' Input comment). Use meaningful variable names.

Another example:


Upload your workbook.

Where referenced