

Loop over a data table. For each record, add a field to a total, count, or whatevs.


You have a data set, and you want to total up or count the values.


A data set.


A variable with a total or count.


An example, totaling goat weight in an array:

  1. sTotalWeight = 0
  2. For sCurrentRecordNumber = 1 To sNumberOfRecords
  3.   sTotalWeight = sTotalWeight + rGoatData.Cells(sCurrentRecordNumber, 1)
  4. Next sCurrentRecordNumber
  5. MsgBox "Total weight: " & sTotalWeight

Notice that sTotalWeight is initialized in line 1.

Often used with a filter, like this one to count light goats:

  1. sCountLightGoats = 0
  2. For sCurrentRecordNumber = 1 To sNumberOfRecords
  3.   If rGoatData.Cells(sCurrentRecordNumber, 1) < 20 Then
  4.       sCountLightGoats = sCountLightGoats + 1
  5.   EndIf
  6. Next sCurrentRecordNumber
  7. MsgBox "Number of light goats: " & sCountLightGoats

The If statement in line 3 accesses the data in asGoatWeight() directly. If there are several fields in each record, you might put the field values in their own variables. That's what I do.

  1. sCountLightGoats = 0
  2. sCountTallGoats = 0
  3. sCountCuteGoats = 0
  4. sCountHappyGoats = 0
  5. For sCurrentRecordNumber = 1 To sNumberOfRecords
  6.   ' Get fields of current record.
  7.   sCurrentGoatWeight = rGoatData.Cells(sCurrentRecordNumber, 1)
  8.   sCurrentGoatHeight = rGoatData.Cells(sCurrentRecordNumber, 2)
  9.   sCurrentGoatCuteness = rGoatData.Cells(sCurrentRecordNumber, 3)
  10.   sCurrentGoatHappiness = rGoatData.Cells(sCurrentRecordNumber, 4)
  11.   ' Process fields for current record.
  12.   If sCurrentGoatWeight < 20 Then
  13.       sCountLightGoats = sCountLightGoats + 1
  14.   EndIf
  15.   If sCurrentGoatHeight > 40 Then
  16.       sCountTallGoats= sCountTallGoats+ 1
  17.   EndIf
  18.   ...
  19. Next sCurrentRecordNumber